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Apple is Launching Apple TV iplayer with Voice Control


Apple wants information on the "New York Times" to bring a TV with voice control on the market.
The Apple TV iplayer could be presented and the following year on the current state of development go on sale late 2012, the newspaper reported on Thursday.
Instead of pressing buttons on a remote control, you would then simply talk with your own TV.
Basis for the voice control would there fore be the "personal assistant" Siri, the Apple's new iPhone has integrated 4S.
About one of Apple TV is already speculation for months. The rumors were given new impetus by the biography released this week by Steve Jobs. In it, the late founder of Apple tells of his search for the right user interface for the TV. "He will have the easiest to use, you can imagine. I've finally cracked it, "he is quoted as saying.
Apple Tv famous generation are apple tv 1st generation, apple tv 2nd generation and now they launch apple tv 3rd generation.
Top managers at Apple had known since 2007 that the company would eventually build a television, wrote the "New York Times". Currently the company must wait for further development work, in addition to the falling price of large LCD displays, so that the electronics-studded television will be too expensive.


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